Published or Accepted Peer-Reviewed Papers

*Denotes post-doctoral or student mentee

[19] Adams, B.A. and Hodges, K.V. (2022). Potential Influences of Middle and Lower Crustal Flow on Landscape Evolution: Insights From the Himalayan-Tibetan Orogen. In: Shroder, J., Owen, L. A. (Eds), Treatise on Geomorphology, San Diego: Academic Press. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-818234-5.00195-4. (Article) (Preprint)

[18] * Shaw, J.M., Evenstar, L., Cooper, F.J., Adams, B.A., Boyce, A.J., Hofmann, F., & Farley, K. A. (2021). A rusty record of weathering and groundwater movement in the hyperarid Central Andes. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 22, e2021GC009759. doi: 10.1029/2021GC009759. (Article)

[17] Adams, B.A., Whipple, K.X., Forte, A.M., Heimsath, A.M., Hodges, K.V. (2020). Climate controls on erosion in tectonically active landscapes, Science Advances, 6, az3166. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.aaz3166. (Article) (Github)
Press: University of Bristol Press Release, BBC News Round, COSMOS, Science Daily, SciShow
Invited lay-summary: The Science Breaker

[16] * Pappas, O.A., Anantrasirichai, N., Achim, A.M. and Adams, B.A. (2020). River Planform Extraction from High-Resolution SAR Images via Generalized Gamma Distribution Superpixel Classification. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 59, 3942-3955. doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2020.3011209 (Article) (Preprint)

[15] Wedmore, L.N., Williams, J.N., Biggs, J., Fagereng, Å., Mphepo, F., Dulanya, Z., James Willoughby, J., Mdala, H. and Adams, B.A. (2020). Structural inheritance and border fault reactivation during active early-stage rifting along the Thyolo fault, Malawi. Journal of Structural Geology, 139, 104097. doi: 10.1016/j.jsg.2020.104097. (Article) (Preprint)

[14] Michel, L., Glotzbach, C., Falkowski, S., Adams, B.A., Ehlers, T. A. (2019). How steady are steady-state mountain belts? – a re-examination of the Olympic Mountains (Washington State, USA), Earth Surface Dynamics, 7, 275–299. doi: 10.5194/esurf-7-275-2019. (Article)

[13] Adams, B.A., Ehlers, T.A. (2018). Tectonic controls of Holocene erosion in a glaciated orogen. Earth Surface Dynamics, 6, 595–610. doi: 10.5194/esurf-6-595-2018. (Article)

[12] Michel, L., Ehlers, T.A., Glotzbach, C., Adams, B.A., Stübner, K. (2018). Tectonic and glacial contributions to focused exhumation in the Olympic Mountains, Washington, USA. Geology, 46, 491–494. doi: 10.1130/G39881.1. (Article)

[11] Adams, B.A., and Ehlers, T.A. (2017). Deciphering topographic signals of glaciation and rock uplift in an active orogen: a case study from the Olympic Mountains, USA. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. doi:10.1002/esp.4120. (Article) (Preprint) (Supplement)

[10] Cooper, F.J., Adams, B.A., Blundy, J.D., Farley, K.A., McKeon, R.E., and Ruggiero, A. (2016). Aridity-induced Miocene canyon incision in the Central Andes, Geology, 44, 675-678. doi:10.1130/G38254.1. (Article) (PDF)

[09] Adams, B.A., Whipple, K.X., Hodges, K.V., and Heimsath, A.M. (2016). In situ development of high-elevation, low-relief landscapes via duplex deformation in the Eastern Himalayan hinterland, Bhutan, Journal of Geophysical Research Earth Surface, 121, 294–319. doi:10.1002/2015JF003508. (Article)

[08] Adams, B.A., Hodges, K.V., Whipple K.X., Ehlers, T.A., van Soest, M.C., and Wartho, J. (2015). Constraints on the tectonic and landscape evolution of the Bhutan Himalaya from thermochronometry, Tectonics, 34, 1329-1347. doi:10.1002/2015TC003853. (Article)

[07] Adams, B.A., Hodges, K.V., van Soest, M.C., and Whipple K.X. (2013). Evidence for Pliocene Quaternary Normal Faulting in the Hinterland of the Bhutan Himalaya. Lithosphere, 5, 438-449. doi: 10.1130/L277.1. (Article)

[06] Young, K.E., van Soest, M.C., Hodges, K.V., Watson, B.E., Adams, B.A., and Lee, P. (2013) Impact thermochronology and the age of Haughton impact structure, Canada. Geophysical Research Letters, 40, 1-5. doi: 10.1002/grl.50745. (Article)

[05] Cooper, F.J., Hodges, K.V., and Adams, B.A. (2013). Metamorphic constraints on the character and displacement of the South Tibetan fault system, central Bhutanese Himalaya. Lithosphere, 5, 67-81. doi: 10.1130/L221.1. (Article)

[04] Hodges, K.V. and Adams, B.A. (2013). The influence of middle and lower crustal flow on the landscape evolution of orogenic plateaus: Insights from the Himalaya and Tibet. In: Shroder, J. (Editor in Chief), Owen, L.A. (Ed.), Treatise on Geomorphology, 5, 350-369. San Diego: Academic Press. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-374739-6.00095-6. (Article)

[03] Eppler, D., Adams, B.A., et al. (2013). Desert Research and Technology Studies (DRATS) 2010 science operations: Operational approaches and lesson learned for managing science during human planetary surface missions. Acta Astronautica, 90, 224-241. doi:10.1016/j.actaastro.2012.03.009. (Article) (PDF)

[02] Cooper, F.J., Adams, B.A., Edwards, C.S., and Hodges, K.V. (2012). Large normal sense displacement on the South Tibetan fault system in the eastern Himalaya, Geology, 40, 971-974. doi: 10.1130/G33318.1. (Article)

[01] Adams, B.A., Dietsch, C.D., Owen, L.A., Caffee, M.C., Spotila, J., and Haneberg, W.C. (2009). Exhumation and incision history of the Lahul Himalaya, northern India, based on (U–Th)/He thermochronometry and terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide methods. Geomorphology, 107, 285-299. doi: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2008.12.017. (Article) (Preprint)